Legal Terminology Glossary (Part 2)
And we are back again with a second edition of legal terminology glossary! We decided that one post is just not enough to cover the extensive (and often complicated) world of legal terms. Check part 1 before. Hence, we’re planning on making it a recurring series. So here we go...
Of course divorce means something different for different people; however, strictly speaking divorce is a legal finalisation of a marriage. Most cases are easily resolved. The case only becomes more complex if parties have been separated under one roof, or due to location-based difficulties.
Parenting Order
A parenting order is a completely separate procedure to divorce. A parenting order is a set of orders made by a court about parenting arrangements for a child. This order can be based on an agreement between the parties or post a court hearing. When a parenting order is made both affected parties have to follow it.
Binding Financial Agreement
A Binding Financial Agreement is an agreement made during the divorce of two individuals. It covers the division of property between the parties, superannuation and/or spousal maintenance.
Spousal Maintenance
Spouse maintenance is financial support paid by one party to their former husband or wife in circumstances where they are unable to adequately support themselves. The amount is often decided by both parties.
Airport watch-list
In short, it is a restriction preventing a child from leaving the Commonwealth of Australia, as a form of precaution. It is used if the child is at risk of being taken from the country away from the parent without their knowledge or consent. It's usually done by making an application with the Federal Circuit Court of Australia or the Family Court of Australia.
Domestic Violence Order
DVO sets out rules that the 'respondent' (the person who has committed domestic violence against you) must obey. Initially DVO is a civil court order, so it will not appear on the respondent's criminal history. However, it is a criminal offence to disobey an order, and this will appear on the respondent criminal history.