Can I change my will without a lawyer?
Can you update your will on your own, or is a lawyer necessary? The answer depends on the type and complexity of the changes you wish to make. While miner updates may not require legal assistance, ensuring your will is legally valid is essential to avoid disputes in the future from family members.

How Can You Change Your Will?

In Queensland, you can update your will in two main ways:
  • Creating a Codicil. A codicil is a formal amendment to your will. It must be signed and witnessed in the same way as a will. Codicils are best for small changes such as pudding a beneficiary or updating an executor
  • Making a New Will. If you want to make significant changes to your will, such as removing beneficiaries or changing major asset distributions, it is often better to create a new will. Under section 13 of the Succession Act 1981 (QLD), a new will will revoke the old one

Do You Need a Lawyer?

While you can write and amend your will without a lawyer, it is recommended to seek legal advice if:
  • The changes are complex, such as modifying asset distribution or trust
  • You are concerned about family disputes or challenges to your will
  • You have significant assets, business interests, or international property
  • You want to ensure your will complies with Queensland Law to prevent future legal issues

Updating your will can be simple, but make sure it’s done legally to meet legal requirements to be valid and to avoid confusion later. If you are making major changes to your will, seeking legal advice can help prevent confusion, challenges or disputes after your passing.

If you need assistance with estate planning, dealing with an intestate estate or creating a will, our experienced team at Genuine Legal is here to help. Call us on (07) 2102 6018 if you need our assistance.
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